From time to time we will place images or documents on this page in which we need further information from you – our viewing public!
Denmark Items We Are Searching For To Add To The Archives

• We are searching for a photograph of a gravestone of a fallen Civil War soldier. The gravestone was once in the cemetery at Berry Road. If you have a photograph of this gravestone, we’d like to talk to you.
• The Denmark Historical Society archives does not have a complete set of Town Reports between the years 1807 – 1899. We have no town reports for years 1807 – 1860. We have a complete set for the years 1880 to the present time.
• We do not have a complete set of Denmark High School and Denmark Grammar School Yearbooks – We have a few in our collection, but not a complete set for either school. The archive holds a 1924 handmade yearbook for the high school.
The high school yearbooks went by a variety of names: The Den of Mark, The Mt. Pleasant Echo, The Danelaw and The Dehian.
The Grammar School yearbook went by the name “Denmark Grammar School Annual.”
The years we do not have a yearbooks:
Before 1928
• We are seeking a copy of Mayflower Families Through Five Generations VOLUME 2. The copy from our 16 volume set is missing.
• We are seeking photos and documents from events, parades, and celebrations in Denmark through the years.
• We are seeking documents and records and photographs from each non-profit organization and business located in Denmark.
• We are seeking items from the B&M Cannery that was once located in the lower village – crates, labels, documents and images.
• We are seeking items from the Snowflake Canning Factory – crates, labels, documents and images.
• We are seeking information about Peter Schmidt’s inventions – Packsaw and Reflector Oven.
• We are seeking items related to industry and business in Denmark – items, documents and images of farming, logging, boatbuilding, shoemaking and other industries.
• We have a collection of the series Illustrated County Edition: Maine Place Names And The Peopling Of Its Towns by Ava Harriet Chadbourne. Is is a series of pamphlets published in 1957 and re-issued in the 1970’s. We have each county, except Oxford.
• We wish to add books and reference materials pertaining to the Abenaki tribes residing in Maine. We’d like to be a reference resource to researchers in southern Maine who are searching their ancestry. Especially works by these authors:
Ronald Banks
James Phinney Baxter
Martha Ford Barto
Charles E. Clark
Stephen A. Davis
Vincent O. Erickson
Benjamin Browne Foster
Frederick Kidder
Francis E. Leupp
Pauleena M. MacDougall
Thomas L. McKenney
Alice Mead
Katherine Newell
Joseph Nicolar
Donald Socotomah
Joseph Treat
Eugene Vetromile
And we are seeking copies of the Maine Indian Newsletter published in the 1970’s
Paul Brodeur – Restitution: The Land Claims Of The Mashpee, Passamaquoddy, Penobscot Indians Of New England 1985
• We are seeking copies of The Parish Record – a 4 page publication of the Denmark and Brownfield Congregational Churches. We have a copy published in May of 1900. It was published monthly by Rev. Charles F. Sargent and printed by H. M. Harnden in Brownfield Maine.
• The archives was gifted with a collection of John Gould books. Most are first editions and autographed by the author to Denmark residents. We’d like to talk to you, if you have the books listed below in your collection.
The books missing from this collection are:
New England Town Meeting
Pre-Natal Care For Fathers
Farmer Takes A Wife
The House That Jacob Built
Neither Hay Nor Grass
Europe On Saturday Night
This Trifling Distinction
Next Time Around
• We have added to our reference library books by Linda Greenlaw. We are missing
Fisherman’s Bend
If you have information or would like to donate items to the historical society, please contact [email protected].
Thank you!
Revised November 1, 2023 las