We wish to thank Poland Spring Bottling Company, a division of Nestlé Waters North America, for their in-kind gift of office furnishings for the archives. We received file cabinets for storing our image and document collections, a desk and office supplies.
With this gift we are able to move forward in safely storing items in the historical society collection.
Clare McKeagney
Posts by Clare McKeagney:
Curator’s Annual Report
2017 – 2018
-Organized & protected sections of the collection
-Inventoried Book Collection
-Have process for cataloging new items into collection
This year we added to our textile collection with the purchase from the Pratt estate of a baby’s quilt and woolen blankets. With these additions to our collection it expands our collection
Denmark Public Library
We have created an agreement with DPL to shelve some of DHS book collection with the library, which will create access for users when library is open.
-Reference Only
With this inventory we will be able to send the spreadsheet to Maine State Library to add to their online catalogs. (http://www.maine.gov/msl/)
Scan Project
DHS contracted with Records Management Center (http://rmcmaine.com/) to scan items from the archives.
Items sent to scan:
Town Reports
The scans of the items were returned this past week. We will work to make as many of these digitized items available to the public.
DHS has maintained a presence on the internet with our website: https://denmarkhistoricalsociety.com/
The site offers information for researchers in the tabs in the Archives area, links to Denmark and other links of research value in the Resources area.
And on social media with our Facebook page:
Denmark, Maine Memories https://www.facebook.com/groups/DenmarkMemories/
Collection Policy & Procedure
In 2017/2018 I took a workshop through Maine Archives and Museums about creating a collections policy. Where we are a small organization I added detailed information of our catalog and care procedures for our collection.
I’d like to take this opportunity to discuss our funds. Without them the society could not move forward with its activities.
The Collections Fund purchases the supplies necessary to protect individual items in the archives.
Birch Cove Fund helps to fund the digitization of our collection.
Acquisition Fund purchases Denmark, Maine-related items.
Many thank you’s to JoAnne Harbourt for researching and writing grants with which the society will be able to further its work. From purchasing computer equipment, protective coverings. We hope to hear soon if we have received these grants.
Cemetery Committee
Astrea and I have created the cemetery committee with the ultimate goal of inventorying Denmark’s cemeteries and publishing the information the committee gathers. Thank you, Astrea, for chairing the cemetery committee. This newly formed committee is small, but I believe it will grow and become much more important in our town.
Many, many thank yous to Patricia Largey, Jolene Snow and Wilma Lord who have helped to inventory, transcribe and protect the collection.
To Mari Hook and Linda Whiting who have helped with information and care of our textile collection. Mari donated all the containers which protect our valuable quilts and blankets.
And to Astrea Fatica who has given so freely to not only the historical society but to all the non-profits in Denmark. Without Astrea not only would we not have our newly formed cemetery committee and with her astute eye for locating Denmark items we would not have several key pieces of Denmark history.
And to all those who have gifted items, given anonymously and supported Denmark Historical Society. Thank you!
We have accomplished great things in the archives in this past year. The tasks in the archives could not have been done without their assistance.
And thank you to members of the board of directors whose commitment and support of DHS in order to move forward with our organization and keep alive the history of Denmark. Thank you, Terry, Dan, Mari, JoAnne, Pat, Clare and Daryl.
Consider participating in Denmark’s history – join Denmark Historical Society, become a more active member or consider becoming a member of the board of directors.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lee Ann Shand
Denmark Historical Society
Annual Treasurer’s Report
June 9, 2018
To the members of the society:
Please find attached the Profit & Loss Statement covering the period from June 11, 2017 through June 9, 2018 and the Balance Sheet for June 9, 2018.
The society has been very fortunate this past year. We have received donations of $15,000 to fund our digitization and tech upgrade project, and nearly $1,800 for acquisitions. The investment of the building fund in the Maine Community Foundation has increased by over $6,900.00 and now stands at just over $88,900. as of March 31, 2018.
We have currently earmarked monies for the following:
Birch Cove Fund (digitization) $8,390.65
Acquisition Fund 2,387.51
Collections Fund 1,642.79
And unrestricted cash of $14,031.78.
Our membership numbers are: Single – 10; Family – 8; and Lifetime – 44.
We have 9 Sponsors.
Respectfully submitted,
Daniel W. Eaton, Treasurer
Profit & Loss Report
June 11, 2017 through June 9, 2018
Birch Cove for Digitization
Anonymous for Digitization
Denmark Lions
Acqusition Fund
Total Donations:
1 Lifetime
8 Family
10 Single
Total Memberships:
9 Sponsors
Program Income:
Misc. Inc.:
Total Receipts:
Memberships & Subscriptions
Misc. Exp.
Professional Fees
Total Disbursements:
Ordinary Income:
Maine Community Foundation
Gain on Investment
Interest Earned
Manager Fee
Admin Fee
Gain on Investment:
Members of the board of directors invite fellow members and the community to Denmark Historical Society Annual Meeting. Sunday June 10th at 2:00 PM at Centennial Hall at 72 West Main Street Denmark, Maine.
- Nomination of officers
- Add Indemnification clause to the by-laws
- Approve Collection Policy and Procedure
Come see selection of items from the DHS collection!
Tour Centennial Hall!
The Historical Society held three events at Centennial Hall this past year.
In May, quilts, both from the Society’s collection and privately owned, were photographed and documented by Maine Quilt Heritage.
In October storyteller Jo Radner performed “Burnt Into Memory”, her dramatic telling of the Brownfield Fire. Like all of Jo’s shows, this was very well attended, and following her performance members of the audience were invited to share their recollections and family stories of the fire. This event was graciously sponsored by Ace Insurance. Thank you, Heidi Blake.
On a Sunday afternoon in December we hosted a Christmas open house at the Hall, featuring artifacts found by Kitty Walsh in her explorations of local historical sites. Her skilled use of a metal detector has resulted in an intriguing collection of items. Also on display were selected pieces from the collections of the Society and Centennial Hall, including a vintage sleigh once owned by the Lord family and ice harvesting tools donated by Harold Bucknell. Delicious cookies and treats were provided by JoAnne Harbourt.
This year the Society formed a cemetery committee, which is continuing the documentation of our cemeteries. Working with the town crew, the committee also hopes to repair and restore markers, as needed.
Great progress has been made this year in our ongoing project to digitize our archives. At this point we are approximately 2/3rds through the project. Once complete, much of this material will be accessible online, without the potential of damaging the originals.
A number of items were added to our collection and archives this year. A unique journal written by Dr. Joseph B. Gray, who practiced in Denmark in the 1860s, was donated by the Fatica family. It promises to provide insight into the medical practices of that day.
A rare membership certificate to the Knights of the Maccabees, dating from 1903, was donated, along with tintype photographs of Ingalls children.
The Society participated in the recent auction of the Pratt/Sanborn estate. Numerous items of significance to Denmark were purchased, including a cradle with infant’s quilt, documents, photos, and albums. These were purchased through our acquisition fund, with the assistance of the Fatica family. Thank you.
Our Curator, Lee Ann Shand, hosts the Society’s Facebook page, Denmark Memories, an ongoing discussion of all things Denmark, both past and present. Lee is webmaster of denmarkhistoricalsociety.com , where you will find an abundance of interesting historical material, including genealogical material and historic films, as well as an active blog. Lee also runs an ongoing workshop that catalogs our archives. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact her through our website.
Many thanks to our members, as well as our sponsors, who make all of our activities possible:
Ace Insurance Agency Jennifer Bartlett Photography MacDonald Motors Mega Industries Dianne Lewis Designs John Khiel III Logging Maine Virtual Home Tours smallboat shop
RH LeGoff Excavation Co. Denmark Minuteman Press
Stacy’s Service Center Granger Pond Camping Area Wyonegonic Camps
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Rhoads, Lee Ann Shand, Dan Eaton, Daryl Kennison, Pat Largey, Astrea Fatica, Clare McKeagney, Mari Hook, JoAnne Harbourt
The initial meeting of the cemetery committee is May 21st at 10:00 am in the library meeting room. Residents interested in visiting and getting to know Denmark’s cemeteries please attend! Our plan is to inventory each cemetery.
The committee will be led by Astria Fatica and Lee Ann Shand.
For more information contact the historical society – [email protected]
Dianne Fallon, English Department Chair at York County Community College, conceived an idea of integrating traditional education with local non-profit organizations thnking that these museums and libraries would offer resources for students and aimed at teaching students to use digital tools to present public history projects based on local history. And possibly pair students with intern opportunities.
In order to do this Dianne researched area resources and tools. This is the resource lists for the Go Local program: http://virtual.yccc.edu/go_local/resources
The #7 locomotive from the Bridgton & Saco River RR has recently completed a 14 year restoration.
It will be officially unveiled on May 19, 9:30 to 4:00, at the Maine Narrow Gauge Museum, in Portland.
A recent video of the engine being started up and operating:
A link to the event:
https://www.mainenarrowgauge.org/steam-fest/ o
From Toby Pasman: B&SR 2-4-4T #7 was built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1913 and weighs 33 1/3 tons. #7 was the first engine to operate for the Edaville in 1941 when she was purchased by Ellis D. Atwood, founder of the Edaville. For those of you who don’t know this, Edaville was named using Mr. Atwood’s initials, EDA. But construction of the Edaville was delayed because of WWII and didn’t start until 1946. The railroad was completed and opened a year later. Since 1947, the Edaville had undergone a total of 5 ownerships. The railroad closed in 1991. Then, the Edaville reopened in 1997. Then, Edaville closed again in 2008. Now, Edaville has been turned into Thomasland USA.